Tutored Projects, Teaching Innovation Projects,...

Here you will find the final projects I have tutored:

Also, you will find the Teaching Innovation Projects I have been involved in.

Masters Projects

Year Author Title
2 Pedro J. Torres González Introducing class weights into ordinal regression for dealing with imbalanced problems
1 Rafael Ayllón Gavilán Ordinal classification techniques for time series

Degree Projects

Year Author Title
12 Laura Martín Lozano Scientific programming in Python for physics undergraduate students
11 Victoria Pradas Laguna Sales forecasting: a holistic approach with time series and machine learning
10 Cristian Torres Pérez de Gracia Development of KDLOR, SVC1V1 and SVC1VA ordinal sorting algorithms for ORCA-Python
9 Antonio F. Espejo Santofimia Kickboxing tourney: web application for the administration of kickboxing competitions
8 Manuel J. Cabrera Delgado Integration of CSSVC algorithm and regression algorithm wrapper in ORCA-Python
7 Alberto Adamuz Priego Stealthy Spy, a platform game for Android devices
6 Antonio Ramírez Pareja GoRegister: web application for the control and management of attendance at events
5 Jesús Bueno Ruiz OrdClass: web application for the analysis of ordinal classification problems
4 Adrián López Ortiz Artificial Neural Network Training Algorithms for the Orca-Python Library
3 Victoriano Pedrajas Fernández Recovering Time Series: application to Wave Height Problems
2 Pedro J. Villalón Vaquero Machine learning applied to the survival analysis in liver transplantation
1 Miguel Díaz Lozano Development of a Python framework for time series prediction using machine learning algorithms

Teaching Innovation Projects

Introducing fairness, accountability, transparency and ethics (FATE) in artificial intelligence training with an emphasis on a gender perspective (2022/2023)

Hackathon on Machine Learning applied to Life Sciences (2020/2021)

Combined use of the Flipped Classroom pedagogical model, the collaborative learning technique collaborative learning technique Jigsaw and gamification through applications such as Kahoot! or Plickers (2019/2020)

Raising the profile of data science professionals through dynamic, competition-based and a working group on machine learning (2018/2019)